I Can Make You Famous

December 1, 2009

In an age where the monstrosity of pointless celebrities take over our airwaves and headlines;  Big Brother, X-Factor and Paris Hilton’s My New Best Friend Forever are just not going to be enough to satisfy the needs of a fame craving population.

I have a solution that may take the pressure off the more traditional methods.

In just 3 months I have become a local celebrity phenomenon from Hungary through half a continent into Turkey.

  • Do you want the adoration of screaming kids on bicycles and constant beeping of car and lorry horns?
  • Do you want to command free cups of tea and gifts of chocolate from passers-by?
  • Do you want  to be the center of attention with inquisitive questions and smiles?
  • Do you want to be hot property with offers of a private nature and invitations to meet the most highly esteemed local officials?

If the answer to these questions is ‘Yes’ then just follow my secret fame producing instructions:

  1. Get a bike
  2. Dress up in some colourful gear
  3. Cycle to the places where people don’t care about rubbish TV and Paris Hilton
  4. Learn the words for “Hello” “Please” and “Thank you” in your chosen place
  5. Practise riding with one hand whilst waving
  6. Keep smiling 😉